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Doctrinal Statement


I do not particularly care for statements of faith or
creeds. I prefer to affirm the Bible itself. However, I realize that a statement
of faith will provide those who are unfamiliar with me a way to evaluate my
doctrinal perspective. In our day of so much theological error and deception,
the following brief summary of my theology is offered.

1. The
Bible, both the Old and New Testament, is the inspired, infallible,
authoritative, eternal Word of God. It is the self-revelation of God recorded by
humans under supernatural leadership (see SPECIAL TOPIC: INSPIRATION). It is our only source of clear truth about
God and His purposes (see
Special Topic: YHWH’s Eternal Redemptive Plan). It is also the only source of faith and practice for His

2. There is only one eternal, creator, redeemer God (see
creator of all things, visible and invisible. He has revealed Himself as loving
and caring although He is also fair and just. He has revealed Himself in three
distinct persons: Father, Son and Spirit, truly separate and yet the same in

3. God is actively in control of His world. There is both an eternal
plan for His creation that is unalterable and an individually focused one that
allows human free will. Nothing happens without God’s knowledge and permission,
yet He allows individual choices both among angels and humans. Jesus is the
Father’s Elect Man and all are potentially elect in Him. God’s foreknowledge of
events does not reduce humans to a determined pre-written script. All of us are
responsible for our thoughts and deeds (see

Predestination (Calvinism) vs Human Free Will (Arminianism)

4. Mankind, though created in God’s
image and free from sin, chose to rebel against God. Although tempted by a
supernatural agent (see SPECIAL TOPIC: PERSONAL EVIL), Adam and Eve were responsible for their willful
self-centeredness. Their rebellion has affected humanity and creation. We are
all in need of God’s mercy and grace both for our corporate condition in Adam
and our individual volitional rebellion.

5. God has provided a means of
forgiveness and restoration for fallen humanity. Jesus Christ, God’s unique son,
became a man, lived a sinless life and by means of his substitutionary death,
paid the penalty for mankind’s sin. He is the only way to restoration and
fellowship with God. There is no other means of salvation except through faith
in His finished work.

6. Each of us must personally receive God’s offer of
forgiveness and restoration in Jesus. This is accomplished by means of
volitional trust in God’s promises through Jesus and a willful turning from
known sin.  See
Special Topic: What Does It Mean to “Receive,” “Believe,”
“Confess/Profess,” and “Call Upon”?

7. All of us are fully forgiven and restored based upon our trust
Special Topic: “Believe” in the NT)
in Christ and repentance (see
SPECIAL TOPIC: REPENTANCE  [NT]) from sin. However, the evidence for this new
relationship is seen in a changed, and changing, life. The goal of God for
humanity is not only heaven someday, but Christlikeness now. Those who are truly
redeemed, though occasionally sinning, will continue in faith and repentance
throughout their lives.

8. The Holy Spirit is “the other Jesus” (see
Special Topic:
Jesus and the Spirit
). He is
present in the world to lead the lost to Christ and develop Christlikeness in
the saved. The gifts of the Spirit are given at salvation. They are the life and
ministry of Jesus divided among His body, the Church. The gifts which are
basically the attitudes and motives of Jesus need to be motivated by the fruit
of the Spirit. The Spirit is active in our day as He was in the biblical times.

9. The Father has made the resurrected Jesus Christ the Judge of all things. He
will return to earth to judge all mankind. Those who have trusted Jesus and
whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will receive their eternal
glorified bodies at His return. They will be with Him forever. However, those
who have refused to respond to God’s truth will be separated eternally from the
joys of fellowship with the Triune God. They will be condemned along with the
Devil and his angels.

This is surely not complete or thorough but I hope it
will give you the theological flavor of my heart. I like the statement:

“In essentials—unity, In peripherals—freedom, In all things—love.