UBS4 |
Paul Defends Himself | Addressing The Jerusalem Mob | Paul’s Arrest and Defense | Paul Defends Himself | Paul’s Address to the Jews of Jerusalem |
21:37-22:5 |
21:37-22:21 |
(21:27-22:29) 21:37-22:1 |
(21:37-22:5) | |
22:1-5 | ||||
22:2 | ||||
22:3-5 | 22:3-5 | |||
Paul Tells of His Conversion | Paul Tells of His Conversion | |||
22:6-11 | 22:6-11 | 22:6-11 | 22:6-11 | |
22:12-16 | 22:12-16 | 22:12-16 | 22:12-16 | |
Paul Sent to the Gentiles | Paul’s Call to Preach to the Gentiles | |||
22:17-21 | 22:17-21 | 22:17-21 | 22:17-21 | |
Paul and the Roman Tribune | Paul’s Roman Citizenship | Paul the Roman Citizen | ||
22:22-29 | 22:22-29 | 22:22-29 | 22:22-25 | 22:22-29 |
22:26 | ||||
22:27a | ||||
22:27b | ||||
22:28a | ||||
22:28b | ||||
22:29 | ||||
Paul Before the Council | The Sanhedrin Divided | Paul Before the Council | His Appearance Before the Sanhedrin | |
(22:30-23:11) 22:30-23:5 |
22:30-23:10 | 22:30 | (22:30-23:11) 22:30 |
(22:30-23:11) 22:30 |
to Good Bible Reading“)
This is a study
guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own
interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the
Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not
relinquish this to a commentator.
Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects.
Compare your subject divisions with the five modern translations. Paragraphing
is not inspired, but it is the key to following the original author’s intent,
which is the heart of interpretation. Every paragraph has one and only one main
1. First paragraph
2. Second paragraph
3. Third paragraph
4. Etc.
1“Brethren and fathers, hear
my defense which I now offer to you.”
NASB“Brethren and fathers”
NKJV“Men, brethren and fathers”
NRSV“Brothers and fathers”
TEV“My fellow Jews”
NJB“My brothers, my fathers”
A Translator’s Handbook on the
Acts of the Apostles, by Newman and Nida says this implies men of Paul’s age
and those older than he (cf. p. 419). However, I think this must be an idiom
(Stephen used the same introductory statement in 7:2) because Paul was over
sixty by this point and this does not fit the age of the mob.
There would have been some believers in this crowd. Possibly the term “the
brothers” uniquely refers to them. However, Paul always identified with his race
and nationality (cf. Rom 9:1-5; Phil. 3:5).
▣ “defense” We get the English term
“apology” from this Greek word (apologia). It means a legal verbal
defense. This term is used several times in Acts related to Paul’s trials (cf.
25:16; II Tim. 4:16).
when they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew dialect, they became
even more quiet; and he said,
22:2 “Hebrew dialect” This refers to
Aramaic. All of the places in the Gospels where Jesus’ actual words are recorded
are in Aramaic. This was a cognate language to ancient Hebrew. It was the
language of the Persian Empire. The Jews learned it while under their control.
For example, in Nehemiah 8, where Ezra read the Law of Moses in Hebrew, Levites
had to interpret it into Aramaic for the people (cf. Neh. 8:7).
“they became even more quiet”
Paul’s polite introduction, combined with his fluent Aramaic and the fact that
many in this mob knew him or knew of him, caused an immediate, surprising calm.
They wanted to hear what he had to say—a perfect preaching opportunity to the
leaders of Judaism.
3“I am a Jew, born in Tarsus
of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly
according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are
4I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and putting both men and
women into prisons, 5as also the high priest and all the Council of
the elders can testify. From them I also received letters to the brethren, and
started off for Damascus in order to bring even those who were there to
Jerusalem as prisoners to be punished.”
22:3 “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus” Paul
is trying to identify himself with this Jewish crowd. He is asserting his
Jewishness (cf. II Cor. 12:22; Phil. 3:5-6). He would have been considered a
Greek-speaking Jew of the diaspora.
The phrase “but brought up in this city” can refer grammatically either to
(1) Tarsus or (2) Jerusalem. Contextually, Jerusalem is implied. If so, then
Paul’s training in Greek rhetoric must have occurred somewhere besides Tarsus.
▣ “educated under Gamaliel” This was a
very respected rabbi (cf. 5:34-40). He is quoted in the Mishnah several
times. Paul was a student of the liberal rabbinical school of Hillel. This crowd
would have been impressed by this statement. See SPECIAL TOPIC:
GAMALIEL at 5:34.
“strictly according to the law of our fathers” This would imply that he
was a Pharisee (cf. 23:6; 26:5) and a zealous one at that (cf. v. 4; Gal. 1:14;
Phil. 3:6). The Pharisees were committed to stringent obedience to the Oral
Traditions (i.e., Talmud), which interpreted the Old Testament.
▣ “as
you all are today” Paul acknowledges their enthusiasm and commitment. He
was once like them!
22:4 “I persecuted” Throughout Paul’s
ministry he looked back on these days with deep regret. He mentions this often
(cf. 9:1,13,21; 22:4,19; 26:10-11; Gal. 1:13,23; Phil. 3:6; I Tim. 1:13). Paul
often refers to himself as the least of the saints because of these actions (cf.
I Cor. 15:9; II Cor. 12:11; Eph. 3:8; I Tim. 1:15).
▣ “this Way” This was the earliest
name for the Christian Church (cf. 9:2; 19:9,23; 22:4; 28:14,22). It refers to
1. Jesus as “the Way” (cf. John 14:6)
2. biblical faith as a lifestyle (cf. Deut. 5:32-33; 31:29; Ps. 27:11; Isa.
▣ “to the death” Paul had some Christians put to death (cf. 8:1,3; 26:10)! He
was surely involved in Stephen’s death (cf. 7:58, 8:1).
“binding and putting both men and women into prisons” The fact that Paul
did this to women really shows the intensity of his persecutions.
22:5 Paul is sharing the circumstances
that led up to his Damascus road conversion to faith in Jesus (cf. Acts 9).
▣ “the Council of the elders” This is
literally “all the elders.” Luke uses this same term for the Sanhedrin in Luke
22:66. This is not the normal term used of this official body of Jewish leaders
in Jerusalem (Sanhedrin). It may have referred to a small administrative
▣ “I
also received letters” F. F. Bruce, Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set
Free, has an interesting discussion and documentation of the Sanhedrin’s
rights of extradition from surrounding countries (p. 72). For more historical
information see I Macc. 15:21 and Falvius Josephus.
▣ “those who were there” This phrase
implies that these were believing Jews who had fled the persecution in
6“But it happened that as I
was on my way, approaching Damascus about noontime, a very bright light suddenly
flashed from heaven all around me, 7and I fell to the ground and
heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ 8And
I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene,
whom you are persecuting.’ 9And those who were with me saw the light,
to be sure, but did not understand the voice of the One who was speaking to me.
10And I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Get
up and go on into Damascus, and there you will be told of all that has been
appointed for you to do.’ 11But since I could not see because of the
brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by those who were with me and
came into Damascus.”
22:6 “about noontime” This is an added
detail not found in 9:3.
22:7 This is a repeat of 9:4.
NASB, NJB“Jesus the Nazarene”
TEV“Jesus of Nazareth”
Paul shares his personal testimony three times in Acts 9:1-31; 26:4-18, but
here and 26:9 are the only places where he uses this designation. Literally,
this is “Jesus the Nazarene.” This is a term of derision in 24:5, but a term of
prophecy in Matt. 2:23. It is possible that it is not a geographical
designation, but a Messianic title from “branch” (cf. Isa. 11:1; 53:2) from the
Hebrew word nēser (cf. Jer. 23:5; 33:15; Zech. 3:8; 6:12). See Special
Topic at 2:22.
▣ “whom you are persecuting” See full
note at 9:4.
22:9 “but did not understand the voice”
There is no contradiction between the accounts of Paul’s conversion in 9:7 and
22:9. The Greek grammar implies that his companions heard the sound, but did not
understand the words. See 9:7 for a fuller discussion.
22:10 “all that has been appointed for you”
This is a perfect passive indicative. It reflects the
words of Jesus to Ananias in 9:15-16. Paul had a very specific and difficult
mission to accomplish. In several ways Paul’s vision and commission follow that
of OT prophets (cf. Isa. 6; Jer. 1; Ezek. 2-3).
22:11 I think this was the cause of
Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” Some theories regarding Paul’s thorn in the flesh
1. early Church Fathers, Luther, and Calvin, say it was spiritual problems
with his fallen nature (i.e., “in the flesh”)
2. Chrysostom says it was a problem with persons (cf. Num. 33:55; Jdgs. 2:3)
3. some say it was epilepsy
4. Sir William Ramsay says it was malaria
5. I think it was ophthalmia, a common eye problem (compare Gal. 4:13-15 and
6:11) exacerbated or caused by this initial blindness on the Damascus road (cf.
Acts 9, possibly an OT allusion in Josh. 23:13)
12“A certain Ananias, a
man who was devout by the standard of the Law, and well spoken of by all
the Jews who lived there, 13came to me, and standing near said to me,
‘Brother Saul, receive your sight!’ And at that very time I looked up at him.
14And he said, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will
and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth. 15‘For
you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.
16‘Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your
sins, calling on His name.'”
22:12 This is a much fuller
description of Ananias than 9:10. He was a lay person who apparently, like Paul,
was devout by the standard of the Mosaic Law. This may imply he was also a
1. Luke similarly describes Simeon, the one who saw Jesus in the temple as a
child (cf. Luke 2:25).
2. Luke also uses it of Jews of the diaspora who came to Jerusalem on
Pentecost when the Spirit came with power (cf. Acts 2:5).
3. Luke uses it a third time of the men who buried Stephen after his stoning
(cf. Acts 8:2).
Therefore, this term does not relate to a believer in Christ as much as a
sincere follower of Judaism. He is called a “disciple” in 9:10; therefore, he
had become a believer. Yet, even though he was a Christian, he still had the
respect of the Jewish community in Damascus.
22:13 Ananias’ ministry to Paul shows
us that there is no clear division of believers in the NT between clergy
(special ordained group) and laity. Jesus’ words were his authority to:
1. lay hands (cf. 9:12,17) on Paul and command healing (aorist
active imperative, v. 13, See Special Topic at 6:6)
2. reveal Jesus’ will for Paul’s ministry (v. 15)
3. tell Paul to be baptized (Paul may have baptized himself as Jews required
of proselytes, Aorist middle imperative, v. 16)
4. be the instrument of Paul being filled with the Spirit (cf. 9:17)
You can see Ananias’ heart when he calls this vicious persecutor and murder
(cf. 9:13-14) “Brother Saul.”
22:14 “The God of our fathers” This
phrase was used to describe the Deity of Jewish worship. Paul wants to make
clear that it was YHWH (see Special Topic at 1:68) who contacted him and
commissioned him through His Son, Jesus. Paul was not called by any other god
than Judaism’s God!
▣ “to know His will” YHWH’s primary
will is for humans is to know Jesus (cf. John 6:29,40). God’s further will for
Paul was to be the missionary Apostle to the Gentiles (cf. 9:15; 22:15; 26:16).
▣ “to see the Righteous One” This is a
Messianic title (cf. Ps. 45; 72; Acts 3:14; 7:52; I John 2:1). Paul would have
the privilege of a personal revelation of the glorified Jesus (as did Stephen,
cf. 7:55-56). See
▣ “and
to hear an utterance from His mouth” This seems to refer to the voice
from heaven in vv.7-8 (i.e., Bat Kol, cf. Deut. 4:12; I Kgs. 19:12-13;
Job 4:16; Jer. 25:30; Ezek. 1:25,28; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2; Luke 3:22; 9:35; Acts
10:13,15), but it could just as much refer to vv. 17-21. It is also possible
that it refers to several special visions which Paul had throughout his
ministry. See list at vv. 17-21.
22:15 “a witness. . .to all men” This
is the marvelous truth that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for
all men (cf. John 3:16; 4:42; I Tim. 2:4; 4:10; Titus 2:11; II
Pet. 3:9; I John 2:1; 4:14). Not all will receive, not all may clearly hear, but
all are included in God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice and Paul’s preaching! This
is the very truth that this mob rejected (cf. v. 22).
Paul purposefully does not use the word “Gentile” that Ananias passed on to
him from Jesus (cf. 9:15). Paul knew how explosive this derogatory term go’im
(the nations or Gentiles) was to these ultra-conservative Jews. Their biases and
racial arrogance had even robbed the OT prophets of their inclusive prophecies!
“what you have seen and heard”
This first verb is a
perfect active indicative; the second is an
aorist active indicative. Why they are different tenses is uncertain.
They seem to be parallel. Paul will carry the memory of this personal encounter
with the risen Christ throughout his life. He mentions it three times in Acts.
He probably gave his personal testimony in every synagogue.
22:16 “be baptized and wash away your sins”
These are both aorist middle imperatives. This is an OT
allusion to the ceremonial ablutions (cf. Lev. 11:25,28,40; 13:6,34,56; 14:8-9;
15:5-13,21-22,27; 16:26,28; 17:15-16; Num. 8:7,21; 19:19; Deut. 23:11). It is
used here as a symbol of our spiritual cleansing in Christ (cf. I Cor. 6:11;
Eph. 5:26; Titus 3:5; Heb. 10:22). Baptism was the early Church’s public
profession of faith. See notes and Special Topic at 2:38 for a fuller
theological discussion.
Notice that the
middle voice
refers to both baptism (aorist middle
imperative) and cleansing
(aorist middle imperative). Paul
could not wash away his sins, but he could baptize himself (Jewish practice for
proselytes). Often it is said that immersion is the only NT pattern (cf. Romans
6 and Colossians 2), but here baptism is linked to the metaphor of washing (cf.
2:38; I Cor. 6:11; Eph. 5:26; Titus 3:5; Heb. 10:22). Theologically I Pet. 3:21
shows that it is a symbol, not a sacrament!
Modern interpreters must be careful of basing too much on the
or passive voice because these
were merging into the passive form in Koine Greek. Paul is said to
have been baptized (PASSIVE) in 9:18. The mode of Paul’s baptism is not the
issue, but his baptism itself is!
▣ “calling on His name” The “name” is
not a magical formula, but a public acknowledgment of Jesus’ ownership and the
beginning of a personal relationship with Him (aorist middle participle used as an imperative), which issues in a Christlike
attitude and lifestyle. The early Church’s baptismal formula as stated orally by
the candidate was “Jesus is Lord” (cf. Rom. 10:9-13; I Cor. 1:2; II Tim. 2:22).
The exact words or formula is not the key (sacramentalism), but the heart of the
candidate (believe, receive). See note at 2:38 and Special Topic at 2:21.
17“It happened when I returned
to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I fell into a trance, 18and
I saw Him saying to me, ‘Make haste, and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because
they will not accept your testimony about Me.’ 19And I said, ‘Lord,
they themselves understand that in one synagogue after another I used to
imprison and beat those who believed in You. 20And when the blood of
Your witness Stephen was being shed, I also was standing by approving, and
watching out for the coats of those who were slaying him.’ 21And He
said to me, ‘Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.'”
22:17-21 This is another example of
Paul’s special visions (cf. 18:9-10; 23:11; 27:23-24). In this context it fits
the prophecy of v. 14.
22:17 “when I returned to Jerusalem”
In Paul’s testimony in both chapter 9 and here, it seems to imply that he
returned to Jerusalem soon after his conversion, but Gal. 1:11-24 reveal a long
period (up to three years) before Paul returned.
“fell into a trance” See note at 10:10.
22:18 Jesus speaks two
aorist active imperatives to Paul: “make haste” and “get out.” Jesus’
warning is illustrated in the Hellenistic Jews’ plot to kill Paul, recorded in
22:19 “Lord” The grammatical
antecedent to this could be either “the God of our fathers” (v. 14) or “the
Righteous One” (v. 14). The Jewish mob would have understood YHWH, but any
believers present there would have understood Jesus. The transference is common
in OT quotes used of Jesus in the NT. It is the ambiguity of “triune monotheism”
(see Special Topics at 2:32 and 2:39)!
▣ “I
used to imprison and beat”
These are periphrastic imperfect actives,
which denotes continued action in the past. See full note at 22:4.
▣ “those who believed in You” See the
related Special Topics at 2:40, 3:16, and 6:5.
22:20 See note at 7:58-59 and 8:1.
Paul describes his previous grievous acts by using three
periphrastic imperfect participles.
1. He was standing there with the mob.
2. He was consenting to the stoning.
3. He was holding the cloaks of those stoning Stephen.
Stephen’s sermon and death had a profound influence on Paul.
22:21 “I will send you far away to the
Gentiles” This is an obvious reference to Paul’s missionary journeys and
ultimately, witness before Roman governmental officials in Palestine and also in
Rome before Caesar (cf. 23:11). He knew this statement would inflame the crowd!
22They listened to him up to
this statement, and then they raised their voices and said, “Away with
such a fellow from the earth, for he should not be allowed to live!”
23And as they were crying out and throwing off their cloaks and
tossing dust into the air, 24the commander ordered him to be brought
into the barracks, stating that he should be examined by scourging so that he
might find out the reason why they were shouting against him that way. 25But
when they stretched him out with thongs, Paul said to the centurion who was
standing by, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman and
uncondemned?” 26When the centurion heard this, he went to the
commander and told him, saying, “What are you about to do? For this man is a
Roman.” 27The commander came and said to him, “Tell me, are you a
Roman?” And he said, “Yes.” 28The commander answered, “I acquired
this citizenship with a large sum of money.” And Paul said, “But I was actually
born a citizen.” 29Therefore those who were about to examine
him immediately let go of him; and the commander also was afraid when he found
out that he was a Roman, and because he had put him in chains.
22:22 Their statement is idiomatic and
has two parts.
1. “take (present active imperative)
from the earth such a man” (cf. Luke 23:18; Acts 21:36)
2. “not fitting (imperfect active
indicative) for him to live” (cf. Acts 25:24)
Their racial and religious biases are revealed. All humans are historically
and culturally conditioned.
NASB“throwing off their clothes”
NKJV“tore off their clothes”
NRSV“throwing off their cloaks”
TEV“waving their clothes”
NJB“waving their cloaks”
This tearing off and waving of clothes or the throwing of them into the air
were OT signs of mourning over a blasphemy (Greek-English Lexicon, Louw
and Nida, vol. 1, p. 213, cf. 14:14).
▣ “tossing dust into the air” Paul was
lucky that there were no rocks available. Putting dust on one’s head was a sign
of mourning (cf. Josh. 7:6; I Sam. 4:12; II Sam. 1:2; Job 2:12), here mourning
over blasphemy (cf. Isa. 47; Lam. 2; Micah 1:10).
22:24 “the commander” This is the word
chiliarch (cf. vv. 27-29), which means a leader of 1000, as the term
centurion (cf. vv. 25,26) implies a leader of 100. However, the numbers are
relative. He was the officer in charge of the Roman garrison in Jerusalem.
▣ “the barracks” This refers to the
Fortress Antonia, which overlooked and connected to the Temple area. It was
built in the Persian Period during Nehemiah’s day (cf. Neh. 2:8; 7:2). Herod the
Great renamed it after Marc Antony. During feast days Jerusalem swelled to three
times its normal population. The Romans moved large numbers of troops from
Caesarea into the Fortress Antonia for security purposes.
▣ “examined by scourging” This implies
“beat the information out of him.” Scourging was a cruel form of torture. Many
died from it. It was much more severe than Jewish flogging or Roman beating with
rods. A leather whip with pieces of metal, stone or bones sewn into the strands
was used to whip prisoners.
22:25 “stretched him out” Usually the
victims were bent over and bound to a low post for the scourging to be
▣ “Is it lawful” These soldiers were
about to transgress their own law in several points:
1. a Roman citizen could not be bound (cf. 21:33 and 22:29)
2. a Roman citizen could not be scourged (cf. Livy, History 10:9:4;
Cicero, Pro Rabirio 4:12-13)
3. Paul had not been tried and found guilty (cf. 16:37)
22:27 “are you a Roman” The “you” is
emphasized. This Roman officer could not believe Paul was a Roman citizen.
22:28 “I acquired this citizenship with a
large sum of money” There were three ways to be a Roman citizen:
1. by birth
2. given for special service to the state
3. purchased (Dio Cassius, Rom. Hist. 60:17:5-6)
This soldier’s name implies that he purchased his citizenship under Claudius
and that he was a Greek (Claudius Lysias, cf. 23:26). Claudius’ wife, Messaline,
often sold Roman citizenships for large sums of money.
30But on the next day, wishing
to know for certain why he had been accused by the Jews, he released him and
ordered the chief priests and all the Council to assemble, and brought Paul down
and set him before them.
22:30 “he. . .ordered. . .the chief priests
and all the Council to assemble”
This shows the Roman power. The Sanhedrin was forced to meet, possibly in the
Fortress Antonio. This seems to be an unofficial, informal meeting.
Paul had to face the local charges but in a Roman setting.
This is a study
guide commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own
interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the
Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not
relinquish this to a commentator.
These discussion questions are provided to help you
think through the major issues of this section of the book. They are meant to be
thought-provoking, not definitive.
1. Why did Paul even want to defend himself to this mob?
2. Why does Luke record three times Paul’s testimony of his conversion on the
road to Damascus?
3. How does the Spirit’s use of Ananias refute Apostolic succession?
4. List Paul’s special visions. Why did he need this many supernatural
5. How does the outcome of Paul’s defense before this mob in the temple fit
God’s plan?
Copyright © 2012
Bible Lessons International