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New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey

Free Bible Commentary


New Testament Survey

By Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics (Biblical interpretation)


Bible Interpretation Seminar

Matthew Introduction (written) Mark Introduction (written) Luke Introduction (written)

Matthew 1 Video

Mark 1:1-45 Video

Luke 1 Video

Matthew 1 Exegetical Outline

Mark 1 Exegetical Outline

Luke 1 Exegetical Outline
John Introduction (written) Acts Introduction (written) Romans Introduction (written)

John 1:1-18 Video

Acts Introduction Video

Romans 1 Video

John 1 Exegetical Outline

Acts 1 Exegetical Outline

Romans 1 Exegetical Outline
1 Corinthians Introduction (written) 2 Corinthians Introduction (written) Galatians Introduction (written)

1 Corinthians Introduction Video

2 Corinthians 1:1-24 Video

Galatians Introduction Video

1 Corinthians 1 Exegetical Outline

2 Corinthians 1 Exegetical Outline

Galatians 1 Exegetical Outline
Ephesians Introduction (written) Philippians Introduction (written) Colossians Introduction (written)

Ephesians Introduction Video

Philippians Introduction Video

Colossians Introduction Video

Ephesians 1 Exegetical Outline

Philippians 1 Exegetical Outline

Colossians 1 Exegetical Outline
1 Thessalonians Introduction (written) 2 Thessalonians Introduction (written) 1 Timothy Introduction (written)

1 Thessalonians 1 Video

2 Thessalonians 1 Video

1 Timothy 1 Video

1 Thessalonians 1 Exegetical Outline

2 Thessalonians 1 Exegetical Outline

1 Timothy 1 Exegetical Outline
2 Timothy Introduction (written) Titus Introduction (written) Philemon Introduction (written)

2 Timothy 1 Video

Titus 1 Video

Philemon Video

2 Timothy 1 Exegetical Outline

Titus 1 Exegetical Outline

Philemon Exegetical Outline
Hebrews Introduction (written) James Introduction (written) 1 Peter Introduction (written)

Hebrews Introduction Video

James Introduction Video

1 Peter 1 Video

Hebrews 1 Exegetical Outline

James 1 Exegetical Outline

1 Peter 1 Exegetical Outline
2 Peter Introduction (written) 1 John Introduction (written) 2 John Introduction (written)

2 Peter 1 Video

1 John Introduction Video

2 John Video

2 Peter 1 Exegetical Outline

1 John 1 Exegetical Outline

2 John Exegetical Outline
3 John Introduction (written) Jude Introduction (written) Revelation Introduction (written)

3 John Video

Jude 1:1-25 Video
Crucial Introductory Article (written)

3 John Exegetical Outline

Jude Exegetical Outline

Revelation Introduction Video

Revelation 1 Exegetical Outline
New Testament Timeline
Textual Criticism
Brief Definitions of
Greek Grammatical Structure
Abbreviations Used
in These Commentaries

Copyright © 2016 Bible Lessons International. All rights reserved.
Any copies or distribution of any part of this material must be made available at no cost. Such copies or distribution
must give credit to Dr. Bob Utley and include a reference to

The primary biblical text used in this commentary is: New American Standard Bible (Update, 1995) Copyright ©1960,
1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, P. O. Box 2279, La Habra, CA