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Blessedness of Forgiveness and of Trust in God The Joy of Forgiveness Thanksgiving For Healing Confession and Forgiveness Candid Admission of Sin
MT Intro
A Psalm of
David. A Maskil”
32:1-2 32:1-2 32:1-2 32:1-2 32:1-2
32:3-7 32:3-5 32:3-4 32:3-4 32:3-4
    32:5 32:5 32:5
  32:6-7 32:6-7 32:6-7 32:6-7
32:8-11 32:8-9 32:8-9 32:8-9 32:8
  32:10-11 32:10-11 32:10-11 32:10

Interpretation Seminar”


This is a study guide commentary, which
means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the
light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not
relinquish this to a commentator.

Read the chapter in one sitting. Identify the subjects (reading cycle #3). Compare
your subject divisions with the five translations above. Paragraphing is not inspired, but it is
the key to following the original author’s intent, which is the heart of interpretation. Every
paragraph has one and only one subject.

  1. First paragraph
  2. Second paragraph
  3. Third paragraph, etc.


  1. Because of the MT introduction many scholars believe this Psalm, like Psalm 51, describes
    David’s sin (i.e., sexual encounter with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, cf. 2 Samuel 11),
    cover up (cf. 2 Samuel 12), and forgiveness (i.e., although the consequences of his sin
    destroyed his family). In Romans 4:7-8 Paul quotes 32:1-2 (LXX) as referring to David.


  2. This is surely possible but it may have a wider implication and purpose (cf. PLURALS
    of Ps. 32:11). Sin and its consequences are common to all humans (cf. Rom. 1:8-3:18), even
    covenant humans (cf. Romans 7; 1 John 1:5-10).


  3. The psalmist’s physical problems were the merciful acts of God that would not allow the
    sinful covenant person to remain in his/her rebellion (cf. Heb. 12:7-13). There are
    consequences to sin, thank God, the God of mercy pursues us in spite of them. As sin
    abounds, grace does much more abound (cf. Rom. 5:20).


  4. One can tell which concepts, events, and issues are central to a culture by the number of
    words used to describe it. Obviously Israel was concerned with covenant rebellion
    (cf. 1 Kings 8), as well as its forgiveness. There are many words for sin and rebellion.


  5. Psalm 31 and Psalm 32 may have been placed together by an editor or compiler, because they
    both discuss the physical result of sin (cf. Ps. 31:9-10; 32:3-4).


  6. The NASB Study Bible (p. 769) gives an interesting theory about the speakers.
    1. dialogue between David and YHWH in the tabernacle, Ps. 32:1-2
    2. David speaks to YHWH in the hearing of the gathered worshipers, Ps. 32:3-7
    3. a priest addresses David on YHWH’s behalf, Ps. 32:8-10
    4. David speaks to the gathered worshipers, Ps. 32:11


  7. This Psalm emphasizes
    1. the sinfulness of humans
    2. the merciful character of God
    3. how a sinful human can become acceptable to a holy God (i.e., confession)

      Paul’s use of Ps. 32:1-2 in Romans 4, where he discusses OT
      examples of “justification by grace through faith” (cf. Rom. 3:21-31;
      Galatians 3; Eph. 2:8-9), reveals the context as an OT example of the theme developed
      and prioritized in the NT. This is the heart of how one is forgiven, although the
      mechanism for that forgiveness (i.e., the gospel of Christ) is not mentioned. It
      still clearly reveals the merciful, gracious availability of YHWH’s forgiveness
      (i.e., “lifted and removed” and “covered”).

      If YHWH can forgive David, He can forgive you! Receive it through
      confession and repentance! Then stand forgiven in the promises!


blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
 Whose sin is covered!
 2How blessed is the man
to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity,
 And in whose spirit there is no

32:1 The term “blessed” (BDB 80, cf. Ps. 1:1, is used 26 out of 45 times in Psalms, see
is recurrent in Wisdom Literature and describes the faithful followers.

  1. Job 5:17; Ps. 94:12 – disciplined by Shaddai 
  2. Psalm 1:2 – studies and walks in God’s word
  3. Psalm 2:12 – takes refuge in YHWH
  4. Psalm 32:1-2 – sin is forgiven
  5. Psalm 40:4; 84:12; Pro. 16:20 – trusts in YHWH
  6. Psalm 41:1-3; Pro. 14:21 – considers the poor
  7. Psalm 84:5 – strength is in YHWH
  8. Psalm 89:15 – know joy and walk in the light of YHWH’s countenance
  9. Psalm 119:2 – seek Him with whole heart, observe His testimony
  10. Psalm 112:1; 128:1 – fears YHWH, walks in His ways
  11. Psalm 146:5 – YHWH is his help
  12. Proverbs 3:13 – finds wisdom
  13. Proverbs 8:32,34 – listens to YHWH, keeps His ways
  14. Proverbs 28:14 – fears YHWH
  15. Proverbs 29:18 – keeps YHWH’s laws

The first two verses of this Psalm from the LXX are quoted by Paul in Romans 4:7-8 in
his example of David as a blessed man because his sin was forgiven.

Notice the different words used to describe rebellion against YHWH (cf. Ps. 32:5).

  1. transgression – BDB 833, KB 981; it denotes an intentional breaking of that which
    is God’s will (i.e., covenant)
  2. sin – BDB 308, KB 306; it denotes missing (BDB 306) a set target, again not by ignorance
    but willfully
  3. iniquity – BDB 730, KB 799; misdeed, guilt (#1,2,3 appear together in Exod. 34:7;
    Lev. 16:21; Job 12:23; here; Isa. 59:12; Ezek. 21:24; Dan. 9:24)
  4. deceit – BDB 941, KB 636; means treachery, trickery, fraud (cf. Ps. 52:2; 101:7; 120:2-3)

The UBS Handbook mentions that the psalmist purposely alternated
MASCULINE, FEMININE (twice) to show completeness (p. 303).

YHWH’s (note the PASSIVE PARTICIPLES) forgiveness is described
as righteousness given to sinners based on God’s mercy and their repentance (this is the theological
concept of imputed [cf. BDB 362, KB 359, Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3; Gal. 3:6]).

  1. forgiven (lit. “lifted and taken away”) – BDB 669, KB 724, Qal
    PASSIVE PARTICIPLE, cf. Exod. 32:32; 34:7; Num. 14:18,19; Micah 7:18; same
    word negated in Exod. 23:21; Jos. 24:19; Job 7:21; Isa. 2:9
  2. covered (i.e., puts out of sight, theological concept in Isa. 38:17; 43:25; Micah 7:19) –

The result is a person with no deceit/guile (cf. John 1:47). This does not
mean sinless, but repentant.

32:2 “man” This is the Hebrew word Adam (BDB 9). In the early parts of
Genesis (Genesis 1-3) it refers to Adam, the original human creation, but it took on the sense of
humanity in general.

I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away
 Through my groaning all day long.
 4For day and night Your
hand was heavy upon me;
vitality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer.  Selah.
 5I acknowledged my sin to
 And my iniquity I did
not hide;
 I said, ” I
will confess my transgressions to the Lord“;
 And You forgave the guilt of my sin.
let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found;
 Surely in a flood of great waters
they will not reach him.
are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble;
 You surround me with songs of
deliverance.  Selah.

32:3-7 This strophe contrasts two ways to deal with sin.

  1. be silent, hide it
    1. bones wasted away, cf. Ps. 31:9-10
    2. groaning all day long
    3. vitality (lit. “juicy,” BDB 545, cf. Num. 11:8; used here of body fluids)
      drained away (NET Bible suggests an emendation to “to my destruction,” p. 888 #29)
  2. acknowledge, confess
    1. YHWH forgives the guilt of sin (cf. Exod. 34:7; Num. 14:18; Ps. 85:2)
    2. sense of security returns
    3. YHWH is a hiding place again
    4. YHWH preserves him from trouble
    5. he is surrounded with songs of deliverance

There is a play on YHWH’s hand; in judgment it was heavy (Ps. 32:4; Ps. 38:2;
39:10; Job 23:2) but in confession it protected him (Ps. 32:6-7).

32:4,5,7 “Selah” See note at Ps. 3:2 and Introduction to Psalms, VII.

32:5 “I will confess” The parallelism of lines 1 and 2 demands a rare meaning
of the VERB (BDB 392, KB 389, Hiphil IMPERFECT used
in a COHORTATIVVE sense). Usually the VERB in Hiphil
means “thanksgiving,” but in a few contexts “confess” is the apparent meaning.

  1. 1 Kgs. 8:33,35; 2 Chr. 6:24,26 it denotes “confess YHWH’s name”
  2. here and in Pro. 28:13 the context implies “confess sin”

32:6 “in a time when You may be found” This ambiguous phrase can be understood in several ways.

  1. there is an appointed/appropriate time for repentance (LXX, Vulgate, NKJV)
  2. pray in time of need or distress (cf. 2 Chr. 15:4; emendation cf. NRSV, TEV, NJB)
  3. MT has “at a time of finding” (cf. Ps. 103:8-14; Isa. 55:6). JPSOA translates
    this as “upon discovering [his sin].”

▣ “in a flood of great waters” Water, raging water, is often used as an
idiom of trouble/distress/attack (cf. Ps. 69:1; 124:5; 144:7 and most beautifully in Isa. 43:2).

32:7 This refers to the tabernacle/temple. The songs of praise are worship songs or liturgy.

will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;
 I will counsel you with My eye upon
 9Do not be
as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding,
 Whose trappings include bit and
bridle to hold them in check,
they will not come near to you.
are the sorrows of the wicked,
he who trusts in the Lord, lovingkindness
shall surround him.
glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous
 And shout for joy,
all you who are upright in heart.

32:8-11 The psalmist speaks to himself (and others, Ps. 32:5) on YHWH’s behalf. Here is the
divine response, Ps. 32:8 (three COHORTATIVES)!

  1. Ps. 32:5,  I will confess my transgressions – BDB 392, KB 389, Hiphil
    IMPERFECT used in a COHORTATIVE sense (see fuller note at Ps. 32:5)
  2. Ps. 32:8,  I will instruct you – BDB 968, KB 1328, Hiphil IMPERFECT
    used in a COHORTATIVE sense

I will teach you – BDB 434, KB 436, Hiphil IMPERFECT used in a

I will counsel you – BDB 419, KB 421, Qal COHORTATIVE,
cf. Ps. 16:7

32:8 “in the way” This is an idiom for a godly life (cf. Ps. 1:1; 25:8-9).

▣ “with My eye upon you” This is an idiom of personal care and presence
(cf. Ps. 32:18; Ps. 34:15 [quoted in 1 Pet. 3:12]; Job 36:7).

For “eye” used of YHWH see

32:9 The person (PLURAL) who will not repent is described in terms of rebellious,
domesticated animals (cf. Isa. 1:2-3). Fallen humanity lives on an animal level characterized by
“more and more for me at any cost!”

Again a contrast.

  1. the wicked – many sorrows
  2. the faithful follower (i.e., “he who trusts YHWH”), covenant loyalty and love
    will surround him (cf. Ps. 32:7b)

32:10 “lovingkindness” See

▣ “shall surround” This VERB (BDB 685, KB 738, Poel
IMPERFECT) is also used in Ps. 32:7 of songs of deliverance and here of YHWH’s
lovingkindness (also note Deut. 32:10; the ADJECTIVE is used in Ps. 34:7; 125:2).
What a wonderful idiom of YHWH’s presence and protection!

32:11 A series of PLURAL IMPERATIVES instructing the faithful follower.

  1. be glad – BDB 970, KB 1333, Qal IMPERATIVE
  2. rejoice – BDB 162, KB 189, Qal IMPERATIVE
  3. shout for joy – BDB 943, KB 1247, Hiphil IMPERATIVE


This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible for your own
interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation.
You must not relinquish this to a commentator.


These discussion questions are provided to help you think through the major issues of this section of
the book. They are meant to be thought-provoking, not definitive.

  1. List the physical problems related to unconfessed sin. What does it mean to “confess”?
  2. How are Psalm 32 and 51 related?
  3. Explain what Ps. 32:6a means. Is there a time to confess which may pass (i.e., window of opportunity)?
  4. Who is speaking in Ps. 32:8-9?