Lesson 1 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 1 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the first of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 1 covers the following topics — INTRODUCTION: A. The Desperate Need for Personal Bible Study, and B. Why Christians Neglect Personal Bible Study. In this 55-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 2 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 2 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the second of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 2 covers the following topics – INTRODUCTION: C. An Ancient Bible Study Method, D. Some General Statements About the Seminar; THE BIBLE: A. Author’s General Presuppositions, B. Its Literary Limits—Assumed Canonization Principles, and C. It Speaks for Itself. In this 44-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 3 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 3 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the third of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 3 covers the following topics – THE BIBLE: D. Its Basic Purpose, E. Author’s Basic Presuppositions About the Bible, F. Evidence For a Supernaturally-Inspired Bible, and G. Problems Related to Our Interpretation of the Bible. In this 53-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 4 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 4 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the fourth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 4 covers the following topics – BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: A. Author’s Presuppositional Definition, and B. The Need for Verifiable Interpretations. In this 45-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 5 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 5 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the fifth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 5 covers the following topics – THE INTERPRETER: A. We Are Historical Conditioned, B. Some Examples from Evangelicalism, C. What Can Be Done?, and D. The Responsibility of the Interpreter. In this 47-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 6 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 6 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the sixth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 6 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: A. Its History and Development, B. The Reactionary School of Antioch of Syria, and C. Its Basic Tenets. In this 43-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 7 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 7 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the seventh of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 7 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: D. Its Interpretive Questions, and E. The First Interpretive Question. In this 42-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 8 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 8 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the eighth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 8 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: F. The Second Interpretive Question, Part 1. In this 50-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 9 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 9 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the ninth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 9 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: F. The Second Interpretive Question, Part 2. In this 44-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 10 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 10 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the tenth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 10 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: G. The Third and Fourth Interpretive Questions, Part 1. In this 45-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 11 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 11 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the eleventh of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 11 covers the following topics – THE HISTORICAL-GRAMMATICAL METHOD: G. The Third and Fourth Interpretive Questions, Part 2. In this 41-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 12 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 12 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the twelfth of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 12 covers the following topics – APPLICATION: A. The Fifth and Sixth Interpretive Question, B. Some Possible Guidelines, C. The Interpreter’s Responsibility, and D. Suggested Readings. In this 48-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Lesson 13 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Lesson 13 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This is the last of the 13-part “You Can Understand the Bible” video series. Lesson 13 covers the following topics – POSSIBLE PITFALLS: A. A Logical, Verifiable Process, B. Documented Textual Evidence, C. Some Examples of Abuses; PRACTICAL PROCEDURES: A. Preliminary Steps, B. Take Good Notes on Your Reading Observations, C. Proposed Order for Use of Research Tools, and D. Final Exhortations. In this 57-minute video, Dr. Utley uses the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics. |
Example 1 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 1 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 33-minute video exposition of Ephesians 2:1-10 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |
Example 2 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 2 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 38-minute video exposition of Ephesians 2:11-3:13 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |
Example 3 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 3 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 33-minute video exposition of Romans 5:1-11 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |
Example 4 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 4 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 32-minute video exposition of Romans 5:12-22 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |
Example 5 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 5 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 31-minute video exposition of Romans 6:1-14 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |
Example 6 |
Bible Interpretation Seminar, Example 6 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired professor of hermeneutics. This 30-minute video exposition of Romans 6:15-23 is an example of the historical-grammatical approach to hermeneutics taught by Dr. Utley and used in his “You Can Understand the Bible” study-guide commentaries. |