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Introduction to Philemon



A. This book is an example of a private
letter, so common in the first century Greco-Roman world. It probably fit on one
papyrus sheet (cf. III John). It is uncertain to whom it is primarily addressed.

1. Philemon

2. Apphia and Archippus (cf. Col. 4:17)

3. or in some sense, the entire house


B. This letter provides a window into

3. the pastoral methods of the Apostle

2.  the home churches of the first
century (cf. Rom. 16:5; I Cor. 10:19; Col. 4:15)


C. Christianity was already radically changing
the social milieu of the Mediterranean world. Social barriers to the gospel were
falling (cf. I Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11).



A. The personal nature of the letter convinces
most readers (one exception, F. C. Baur) that the author was Paul, the Apostle.


B. Philemon and Colossians are closely related

1. Same origin

2. Same people give greetings

3. Same closing

4. Tychicus delivered the letter of
Colossians and traveled with Onesimus (cf. Col. 4:7,9). If Philemon is Pauline,
so is Colossians (which has been doubted by several modern scholars).


C. It is listed among Paul’s letters by both
the early heretic Marcion (who came to Rome in
a.d. 140’s) and the list of canonical books, the
Muratorian Fragment (written in Rome between
a.d. 180-200).



A. The date of this letter is linked to one of
Paul’s imprisonments (Ephesus, Philippi, Caesarea, or Rome). A Roman
imprisonment fits the facts of Acts the best.


B. Once Rome is assumed to be the place of
imprisonment, the question arises-which time? Paul was in jail in the early 60’s
and this is recorded in Acts. However, he was released and wrote the Pastoral
letters (I & II Timothy and Titus) and was then rearrested and killed before
June 9, a.d. 68 (Nero’s suicide). The best educated
guess for the writing of Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon is Paul’s first
imprisonment, early 60’s. Philippians was probably written toward the mid 60’s.


C. Tychicus, along with Onesimus, probably
took the letters of Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon to Asia Minor. Later
(possibly several years later), Ephaphroditus, recovered from his physical
illness, took the letter of Philippians back to his home church.


D. Possible chronology of Paul’s writings
following F .F. Bruce and Murray Harris (with minor adaption).


  Book  Date Place of Writing Relation
to Acts
1 Galatians 48 Syrian
14:28; 15:2
2 I Thessalonians 50 Corinth 18:5
3 II Thessalonians 50 Corinth  
4 I Corinthians 55 Ephesus 19:20
5 II Corinthians 56 Macedonia 20:2
6 Romans 57 Corinth 20:3
7-10 Prison Letters      
  Colossians early 60’s Rome  
  Philemon early 60’s Rome  
  Ephesians early 60’s Rome  
  Philippians late 62-63 Rome 28:30-31
11-13 Fourth Missionary Journey   Ephesus (?)  
  I Timothy 63 (or
  Titus 63
but before
  II Timothy 64 a.d.


OCCASION FOR THE LETTER (people mentioned in Philemon)

A.  Philemon was the slave owner of Onesimus.
He lived in Colossae. He was probably a convert of Paul, possibly while Paul was
ministering in Ephesus.


B. Onesimus was a runaway slave of Philemon.
He was also a convert of Paul, while in prison at Rome (a.d.
61-63). It is uncertain how Paul and Onesimus met. Perhaps

1. both were imprisoned

2. Onesimus was sent on an errand to

3. Onesimus sought Paul for advice after
changing his mind about running away


C. Epaphras was a believer from Asia Minor and
the founder of the Churches in the Lycus River Valley (Colossae, Laodicea and
Hierapolis). He brought word to Paul in prison about the heresy in Colossae and
about Philemon’s faithfulness.


D. Tychicus was the bearer of Paul’s three
letters to this area: Colossians, Ephesians, and Philemon (cf. Col. 4:7-9; Eph.
6:21-22). Onesimus also went back with him to face his master (cf. v. 11).
Philemon is one of two private letters preserved in the New Testament (cf. III

About fifty years later (a.d. 110) Ignatius, on his
way to Rome to be martyred, wrote a letter (“To the Ephesians” 1:3) to the
bishop of Ephesus named Onesimus! It could have been this converted slave!


A. It shows how Paul used his apostolic
authority and pastoral encouragement.


B. It shows how Christianity made brothers and
sisters out of slaves and slave owners, rich and poor! This truth would, in
time, radically change the Roman Empire.


C. It shows Paul’s belief that he would be
released from Roman imprisonment and return to Asia Minor.


Guide to Good Bible Reading

This is a study
commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own
interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the
Bible, and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not
relinquish this to a commentator.

Therefore, read the entire biblical book at one sitting.
State the central theme of the entire book in your own words (reading cycle #1).

1. Theme of entire book

2. Type of literature (genre)


Guide to Good Bible Reading

This is a study
commentary, which means that you are responsible for your own
interpretation of the Bible. Each of us must walk in the light we have. You, the
Bible and the Holy Spirit are priority in interpretation. You must not
relinquish this to a commentator.

Therefore, read the entire biblical book a second time at
one sitting. Outline the main subjects (reading cycle #2) and express the
subject in a single sentence.

1. Subject of first literary unit

2. Subject of second literary unit

3. Subject of third literary unit

4. Subject of fourth literary unit

5. Etc.