Old Testament Bible Tools
- Old Testament Audio Commentaries
- Old Testament Video Commentaries
- Old Testament Survey (written, video, audio)
- Special Topics (listed in alphabetical order)
Charts (PDF)
- Old Testament Timeline
- Kings and Events of the Babylonian, Persian and Greek Dynasties
- A Brief Historical Survey of the Powers of Mesopotamia
- Kings of the Divided Monarchy
- Timeline of the Post-Exilic Period
Dr. Bob’s helpful presentation of the Old Testament is introduce in three different formats, between video, audio and written. Please, pay close attention to the Special Topics and the Old Testament Survey as well.
One of the favorite tools for undergraduate Bible students during Dr. Bob’s tenure as an Old Testament professor were the Charts found in this page. If you have any questions, as you take the time to explore this Old Testament Studies, please, do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience bli@biblelessonsintl.com