- List from 1 Timothy
- dignified (1 Tim. 3:11)
- not malicious gossips (1 Tim. 3:11)
- temperate (1 Tim. 3:11)
- faithful in all things (1 Tim. 3:11)
- not supported by relatives (1 Tim. 3:11)
- hope fixed on God (1 Tim. 5:5)
- continues in prayer (1 Tim. 5:5)
- above reproach (1 Tim. 5:7)
- over sixty years old (1 Tim. 5:9)
- wife of one man (1 Tim. 5:9)
- reputation of good works (1 Tim. 5:10)
- raised children well (1 Tim. 5:10)
- showed hospitality to strangers (1 Tim. 5:10)
- washed the saints’ feet (1 Tim. 5:10)
- assisted those in distress (1 Tim. 5:10)
- devoted to every good work (1 Tim. 5:10)
- List of women who were greeted by Paul in Romans 16 as fellow-workers
- Phoebe ‒ Rom. 16:1 (called a deaconess)
- Prisca ‒ Rom. 16:3
- Mary ‒ Rom. 16:6
- Junia/Junias ‒ Rom. 16:7 (possibly a woman apostle)
- Tryphaena and Tryphosa ‒ Rom. 16:12
- Persis ‒ Rom. 16:12
- “his mother” ‒ Rom. 16:13
- Julia ‒ Rom. 16:15
- “his sister” ‒ Rom. 16:15
A good discussion of these names is found in F. F. Bruce, Tyndale NT Commentary, pp. 266-284.
- Apostolical Constitutions
M. R. Vincent, Word Studies, vol. 2, pp. 752 and 1196, says that the Apostolical Constitutions, dating from the late second or early third century, makes a distinction between the duties and ordination of female church helpers.- deaconesses (cf. Rom. 16:1)
- widows (cf. 1 Tim. 3:11; 5:9-10)
- virgins (cf. Acts 21:9 and possibly 1 Cor. 7:34)
These duties involved- caring for the sick
- caring for those physically persecuted
- visiting those in prison for the faith
- teaching new believers
- assisting in baptism of women
- some overseeing of female church members
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