This term (Moriah, BDB 599, KB 635) has been translated many ways.
1. the Vulgate and the Samaritan Pentateuch have “visions”
2. the Targums translate it as “worship”
3. the Septuagint has “high”
4. the Peshitta has “of the Amonites”
5. some scholars translate it as “shown of YHWH”
6. others “the chosen”
7. still others “the place of appearing”
It seems that “the place of appearing” might be the best possible translation based on the other use of this term in 2 Chr. 3:1, which mentions that the temple was built on Mt. Moriah, the place where God appeared to David. This can either refer to 2 Sam. 24:16 or more probably, 1 Chr. 21:18-30. The mention of Abraham offering Isaac in that context is either omitted because it was so well known or it was unknown to the author of 1 Chronicles. Also, Moriah seems to relate to the city of Melchizedek, Salem (Gen. 14:18), later called Jebus, which became Jerusalem.
1. “Moriah” is linked to Abraham’s offering of Isaac in Gen. 22:2, which later became the site of the temple (cf. 2 Chr. 3:1).
2. “Salem” (BDB 1024 II, KB 1539, cf. Gen. 14:18; Ps. 76:2; Heb. 7:1,2), the site of a Canaanite city of Melchizedek.
3. Later it became the Canaanite city of “Jebus” (BDB 101, KB 382, from “Jebusites,” cf. Gen. 10:16; 15:21; Exod. 3:8,17; Jos. 18:16,18; Jdgs. 19:10-11), which was captured by David (cf. 1 Chr. 11:4-5).
4. The name was changed to “Jerusalem” (BDB 436, KB 437), probably after David’s capture. It is difficult to be certain because the name is used in Joshua 10; 12; 15. The name “Jerusalem” has an uncertain etymology, possibly “possession of peace” or “foundation of peace.”
5. Often the capital is designated “Zion” (BDB 851, KB 816), which was the name of one of the seven hills on which Jerusalem was built. The title is used often in Psalms and Isaiah. It became a way of referring to the Jewish people.
The term’s meaning is uncertain but the suggestions are (AB, vol. 6, p. 1096):
a. Hebrew root – “to erect”
b. Hebrew root – “to be dry”
c. Hurrian root – “brook,” “stream,” “wadi”
d. Arabic root – “hill crest,” “ridge”
e. hypothetical root from Hebrew “shield” – “fortress”
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