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The Hebrew term shalom (BDB 1022, KB 1532; NIDOTTE, vol. 4, pp. 130-134) is common in Semitic cognates.

  1. Akkadian
    1. to be unharmed
    2. to stay well
    3. to be in good condition
  2. Ugaritic (Canaanite)
    1. to be unharmed
    2. to be healthy
  3. Arabic
    1. to be healthy
    2. to be in a happy situation
  4. Aramaic
    1. to be complete
    2. to come to an end/completion
    3. conclude a peace
    4. stay unharmed
  5. Hebrew connotations
    1. completeness
    2. soundness
    3. welfare
    4. peace

Today the term shalom is a Hebrew greeting and farewell statement. It still denotes the absence of evil and the presence of good (i.e., contentment with life). It denotes a mental state of security and satisfaction. Notice how the OT speaks of

  1. a “covenant of peace” (cf. Num. 25:12; Ezek. 34:25; 37:26; also note Gen. 26:29,31; Josh. 9:15). It must be pursued (cf. Ps. 34:14; Rom. 14:19).
  2. AB, vol. 5, p. 206, says, “Peace,” “truth,” and “justice” are parellel Hebrew concepts (cf. Zech. 8:16-19).
  3. YHWH is called “Lord of Peace” (cf. Jdgs. 6:24; Rom. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:11; Phil. 4:9; 1 Thess. 5:23).
  4. The Messiah will be called “the Prince of Peace” (cf. Isa. 9:5).
  5. A new day when peace, truth, and justice will be reality in human experience (cf. Isa. 60:17; 66:12,22). The “very good” of Gen. 1:31 is again a possibility, yea, a promise (i.e., “a new heaven and a new earth,” see Revelation 21-22).

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