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I. OT – BDB 16, KB 26

The noun ,”sign” (BDB 16, KB 26), is used

1. as a marker of time, Gen. 1:14

2. as a marker of person, Gen. 4:15

3. as a marker of covenant, Gen. 9:12,13,17; 17:11

4. as a marker of a faith promise, Exod. 3:12

5. as a miracle to affirm God’s representative (i.e., Moses), Exod. 4:8 (twice),9,17,28,30; 7:3; 8:23, etc.

6. tribal standard, Num. 2:2; Ps. 74:4

7. as a warning, Num. 16:38; 17:10


It is used often in Isaiah.

1. special birth, Isa. 7:14

2. Isaiah’s children, Isa. 8:18

3. altar and pillar in Egypt, Isa. 19:29

4. Isaiah’s dress, Isa. 20:3

5. harvest, Isa. 37:30

6. sparing Jerusalem from Assyria, Isa. 38:7

7. Hezekiah’s healing, Isa. 38:22

8. false signs, Isa. 44:25

9. agricultural blessings, Isa. 55:13

10. missionaries to the nations, Isa. 66:19


II. OT – BDB 68, KB 559

The term “wonder,” “sign,” “portent” (BDB 68, KB 559) is synonymous (cf. Deut. 4:34; 7:19; 29:2) with “sign,” “mark” (BDB 16, KB 26). It is used often in Exodus and Deuteronomy, but only twice in Isaiah (i.e., Isa. 8:18 and 20:3).

BDB has two main usages.

1. a special demonstration of God’s power (i.e., the plagues of the Exodus)

2. a token of future events or symbolic acts denoting future events (cf. Isa. 20:3; Ezek. 12:6-11; 24:24; Zech. 3:8)

These terms show God’s knowledge of the future and His ability to set its course.  He reveals things to His people so they will trust and follow Him!

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