In 1 Cor. 15:4 (Paul’s summary of the gospel is vv. 3-9) Paul mentioned that this time element was an essential aspect of the gospel. However, when we look at the OT, it is difficult to find an allusion to the “three days.” Some try to use Hos. 6:2, but this seems extremely doubtful. Because of Matt. 12:38-40, many use Jonah’s time in the belly of the great fish (cf. Jonah 1:17). This seems to be the most appropriate.
For the Jews of Jesus’ day any part of a day was counted as a full day. Remember, Jews start their day at twilight (cf. Gen. 1:5). Therefore Jesus’ death late Friday afternoon (3 pm) and burial before 6 pm was counted as one day. Friday at twilight until Saturday at twilight (the Sabbath) was the second day; from Saturday at twilight until sometime before sunrise on Sunday was the third day. See note at Matt. 16:21.
This combined time seems to be about 34-36 hours. Be careful of western literalism. The Bible must be interpreted in light of its original culture and what the first hearers would have understood.
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